Wednesday, April 1, 2009


The other day I received a complimentary email from "Martha". She had read the interview in AARP's March issue and noted the photograph of me. Martha wanted to know what my health regime was and felt I should share it with other folks. So, here it is as I enter my 85th year. I work out nearly everyday for about an hour, either with a trainer or by taking a brisk walk. Twice a week I get a massage. I eat three healthy meals a day and I'm known to eat the occasional piece of "See's" or dish of ice cream. I still smoke a cigar everyday (not during Lent, however) and have a "finger" of Dewers each evening. I'm technically retired, but still engage in some business, my foundation and other philanthropy of interest. I throw catch with my dog and try to keep up with my 8 grandchildren. I believe I was blessed with "good" genes, so I intend to continue to do whatever I can to make the most of my life.